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Elite Music’s Top 5 Rock Guitar Tips for Beginners

Toronto is chock-full of rock ‘n roll. At Elite Music Academy, you’ll find that learning rock guitar is a fantastic way to enhance your lifelong musical journey, and you can learn more about our team’s guitar lessons here. While the possibilities are endless, there are a few simple rules I believe everyone should know about rock and roll.

There is no one way to rock.

The colors and shapes of rock and roll are too numerous to count: from the early rock music of Chuck Berry, to the Mall Emo anthems of My Chemical Romance; from the rough and tumble tunes of Bruce Springsteen, to the sparkling ballads of Coldplay; from the growling death n’ roll of Entombed to the noise rock madness of KEN Mode. There’s never been just one way to rock, and there’s never been just one way to learn either. You can teach yourself online or through books, or you can find a great guitar teacher to help you on your way to finding your very own sound, through personalized guitar lessons.  If you live in Toronto or the GTA, you can find all kinds of guitar teachers at Elite Music.

Rock guitar should be fun.

People start playing guitar for a lot of reasons: boys, girls, or popularity, some are simply looking for a way to burn daylight (or moonlight). However, no matter your reason, guitar playing should always be fun. If you get stuck in a rut and just aren’t enjoying rock like you were, you can get music lessons with one of the many guitar teachers available at Elite Music, or if your between the ages of 7-17, attend Toronto Music Camp. Skilled guitar instructors can help you find new ways to love your instrument.

Practice makes perfect; rock gods are made, not born.

No one is good when they start out. None of your favorite guitar players was born with a guitar in her or his hands. So don’t feel intimidated that you can’t blaze through solos right out of the gate. If you feel like you can’t advance on your own, or you just want some helpful advice, guitar instructors like those who give music lessons at Elite Music are always there to take you to the next level.

Explore the sonic options of pedals.

Ignoring modelling instruments and synthesizers, electric guitars are probably capable of producing the widest variety of sounds. Such a feat is possible because of the vast range of pickups, amplifiers, and effects units available to a guitarist of sufficient funds. If you’re overwhelmed by the options, guitar teachers and professional gigging musicians can help you learn the tricks you need to get the sound you want.

Study your heroes, but make your own style.

Whether or not you choose to take guitar lessons, you still have to learn from somebody. I suggest that you study the music and techniques of your favorite guitarists as a way to improve your own abilities with the rock guitar. Some music stores sell books of tablature, which can provide an easy way to learn your favorite songs. However, if your favorite band is unavailable or the songs you like are too difficult, good guitar instructors can certainly help.

If you’re looking for something beyond the regular once a week lesson and you are between 10-17 years old, you can join Elite`s rock band program at the Toronto Music Camp this summer.

Elite Music’s Top 5 Rock Guitar Tips for Beginners

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Summer Camp Links

July 8-12

Sax violin spot (2 spots left out of 2): Click here
Drum spot (1 spot left out of 3): Click here.
Guitar spot (4 spots left out of 8): Click here.
Bass guitar spot (2 spots left out of 3): Click here.
Piano/Keys spot (2 spots left out of 4): Click here.
Singer spot (4 spots left out of 4): Click here.

July 15-19

Sax violin spot (2 spots left out of 2): Click here
Drum spot (1 spot left out of 3): Click here.
Guitar spot (3 spots left out of 8): Click here.
Bass guitar spot (3 spots out of 3 spots): Click here.
Piano/Keys spot (1 spot left out of 4): Click here.
Singer spot (2 spots left out of 4): Click here.

July 22-26

Sax violin spot (1 spot left out of 2): Click here
Drum spot (3 spots left out of 3): Click here.
Guitar spot (6 spots left out of 8): Click here.
Bass guitar spot (2 spots left out of 3): Click here.
Piano/Keys spot (3 spots left out of 4): Click here.
Singer spot (3 spots left out of 4): Click here.

Aug 12-16

Sax violin spot (2 spots left out of 2): Click here
Drum spot (0 spots left out of 3): Click here.
Guitar spot (8 spots left out of 8): Click here.
Bass guitar spot (3 spots left out of 3): Click here.
Piano/Keys spot (2 spots left out of 4): Click here.
Singer spot (3 spots left out of 4): Click here.

March Break Camp Links

March break camp: Click here.

Summer Camp Links

July 8-12

Sax violin spot: Click here
Drum spot: Click here.
Guitar spot: Click here.
Bass guitar spot: Click here.
Piano/Keys spot: Click here.
Singer spot: Click here.

July 15-19

Sax violin spot: Click here
Drum spot: Click here.
Guitar spot: Click here.
Bass guitar spot: Click here.
Piano/Keys spot: Click here.
Singer spot: Click here.

July 22-26

Sax violin spot: Click here
Drum spot: Click here.
Guitar spot: Click here.
Bass guitar spot: Click here.
Piano/Keys spot: Click here.
Singer spot: Click here.

Aug 12-16

Sax violin spot: Click here
Drum spot: Click here.
Guitar spot: Click here.
Bass guitar spot: Click here.
Piano/Keys spot: Click here.
Singer spot: Click here.

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